earseed diagram

How do acupressure seeds work?

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Acupuncture seeds, also known as auricular seeds or ear seeds, are small seeds or beads that are used in auriculotherapy, a type of acupuncture that focuses on the ear. The seeds are typically from the Vaccaria plant, but they can also be made from metal, ceramic, or other materials. They are applied to specific points on the ear that correspond to different areas of the body according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

  1. Placement: The seeds are placed on the surface of the ear using adhesive tape. Each seed is positioned on a specific acupuncture point that is believed to correspond to an organ, limb, or emotional state. The ear is seen as a microsystem, reflecting the entire body, so stimulating points on the ear can have an effect on various parts of the body, the concept is similar to foot reflexology. 

  2. Stimulation: Once in place, the seeds exert gentle pressure on the acupuncture points. Users are often instructed to press on the seeds several times a day to enhance the stimulation. This constant or intermittent pressure is thought to stimulate the flow of energy (or “Qi”) in the body, helping to restore balance and alleviate various symptoms.

  3. Duration: The seeds are usually left in place for a few days to a week, allowing for continuous stimulation. They are then removed, and if necessary, replaced or repositioned on different points.

Benefits and Uses of Acupuncture Seeds

Acupuncture seeds are used for a wide range of health issues, including:

  • Pain Relief: They are often used to relieve pain in various parts of the body, including back pain, migraines, and joint pain.

  • Stress and Anxiety: Stimulating certain points on the ear is believed to help reduce stress, anxiety, and even improve sleep.

  • Weight Loss: Some people use ear seeds as part of a weight loss regimen, targeting points believed to be associated with appetite control and digestion.

  • Addiction and Cravings: Ear seeds are sometimes used as part of treatment programs for smoking cessation and other addictions, as they may help reduce cravings.

  • Digestive Issues: Certain points are thought to influence digestive functions, so ear seeds may be used to treat issues like indigestion, constipation, or nausea.

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